Moped insurance comparison
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"Comparing moped insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your moped insurance every year."

Laura - Expert Insurance
Expert insurance for many years

Your moped insurance coverage.
We look at your moped, compare a wide range of moped insurance policies and help you choose the right coverage.
All about compare moped insurance
Is your moped properly insured? You can only find out by comparing. Without comparison material, you don't know to what extent you have the best moped insurance. Don't have moped insurance yet? Then do it right the first time and start comparing. The premiums for moped insurance can vary greatly.
Compare cheap moped insurance
Life is often expensive enough, it makes sense that you wouldn't want to overpay for moped insurance. On Brommerverzekering.nl you will always find the cheapest moped insurance. With our handy online comparison tool, you can compare various moped insurance policies. This way, you not only find the cheapest, but also the best insurance for your moped. Based on the license plate, we can find out a number of details about your moped, such as the brand, type and year of construction. After entering your accumulated claim-free years, the comparison can begin.
Compare moped insurance in four steps
This allows you to compare moped insurance in 4 steps:
- Enter your license plate number, zip code, house number and number of claim-free years
- Choose the desired coverage for your moped: WA, WA + limited casco or WA + full casco
- Enter date of birth of youngest driver
- Compare the different providers for premium and cover
Have you found the best moped insurance? Then you can purchase it directly and quickly online.
Save by comparing
Are you looking for the cheapest moped insurance in the Netherlands? You can find it by comparing different moped insurance policies on price and content. You can save a lot of money on a yearly basis. One moped insurance policy is not like another. There can be many differences between premiums and policy conditions. Only by comparing you can easily find a cheap moped insurance with the best conditions.
Free recovery service
Alpina works together with 112schade.nl to recover non-covered damage from the other party. Has someone caused damage to you but you have no coverage on your own policy then 112schade.nl can help you recover your damage from the other party completely free of charge.
Frequently asked questions when comparing moped insurance
What does the moped insurance premium depend on?
Before you can compare moped insurance, it is helpful to know what the premium depends on. Important dependencies are:
- How do you want to insure your moped?
- Have you already accumulated claim-free years?
- What is the value of the moped?
- How old are you and how old are the other drivers of the moped?
- What is your zip code?
How should your moped be insured?
Of course, the best insurance is the most comprehensive, but can it work out? Which moped insurance best suits you and the moped depends on several factors. The age of the moped and the daily value play a big role in this. The most comprehensive insurance is third-party liability + theft, fire and collision. This coverage is often chosen for new and young mopeds no more than a few years old. In the long run, this coverage can no longer go out, because the premium owed for older vehicles is too high in relation to the insurance coverage. You can often choose between the following forms of insurance:
- Civil liability (WA)
- Third party liability + Theft
- Third party liability + theft and fire
- Third party liability + theft, fire and collision
What are accrued claim-free years?
With the moped insurance you can build up claim-free years. These years entitle you to a discount on the premium. You build up one claim-free year by insuring a motor vehicle in your name and by not making any claims for one year. The amount of the discount differs per insurer, but the advantage can be high.
What is your moped worth?
When choosing a moped insurance, the current market value also plays a role. The current market value is the maximum amount that the insurer has to pay out in case of damage. The current market value does not play a role in the WA coverage. This insurance covers the damage of the other party in an accident caused by you.
How old is the youngest driver of the moped?
The insurer bases the amount of the premium partly on the age of the drivers of the moped. The age of the youngest driver can make a difference to the premium. A higher premium may also apply if, for example, a young person of 17 years of age occasionally rides a moped.
What is your postcode?
In cities, you are more likely to suffer damage compared to rural areas. The insurer bases the premium partly on your zip code. In a city like Rotterdam, you will pay a higher premium than an owner with the same moped and coverage in a non-urban area.
By comparing, you include the above factors in the equation. This way you get the best moped insurance at the lowest premium.
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