Home in parents' name

Can I take out moped insurance in my parents' name?

The one that the mopeder takes care of the moped insurance.. The owner is obliged to take out at least the mopederinsurance. For young people, the mopederinsurance is more expensive, so it seems attractive to insure in the name of the parents. Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cooperate. The insurer asks for the regular driver of the moped. mopeder. If this is a young person, the insurer still charges a higher premium. Applying for insurance under false pretences can have consequences in case of damage.

Why do young people pay more for the mopederinsurance?

Insurers do this because young people cause relatively more damage. They are therefore a greater risk for insurers. When insuring motor vehicles, it is customary to make the premium dependent on statistics. In addition, young people often do not have any claim-free years in their name.

scooter insurance in parents' name

Can the insurer refuse a payment for damage caused by a young driver?

In principle, young drivers are simply insured, at least if they are licensed to drive. But there are exceptions. If a young person is the regular driver of the mopeder you have to inform the insurer. When applying for the moped insurance the insurer may ask for the date of birth of the young driver who will be using the moped. mopeder. In case an even younger driver causes damage with the moped mopederthe insurer can . claim.

Are the parents allowed to brommerAre parents allowed to apply for the moped insurance?

Yes, that is allowed. It is even customary as long as young people are not yet 18 years old. As soon as they reach the age of 18, young people are authorised to drive a mopederinsurance and to adapt it.

Why should young people use the mopederWhy do young people have to take out their own moped insurance?

For young people, it is important to build up years of claim-free time. They can benefit greatly from this. It is also the most logical choice. After all, if a young person is the regular driver, the premium is adjusted to the age of the young driver anyway.

Calculate moped insurance premium online

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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