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Can I transfer claim-free years from moped to car?

If you do not cause any damage with your moped, you build up claim-free years. Many young people start driving mopeds at the age of 16. At some point they may want to exchange their moped for a car. In that case, it is nice if they can take their claim-free years with them to a car insurer. Young people already pay a higher premium for their car insurance. The more claim-free years they can take with them, the more premium discount they get. Unfortunately, most car insurers do not do anything with the claim-free years that have been built up with a moped insurance. We explain it to you.

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claim-free years moped car

How does that work with claim-free years?

Insurance companies reward damage-free driving with a discount on the insurance premium. The longer you drive without claims, the higher the discount. Every year that you do not claim any damage, you build up one claim-free year. The discount can increase up to 75% and with some insurers up to 80%.

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Why do the claim-free years with my moped not count?

Insurers think that the claim-free years you have accumulated with your moped have little value for car insurance. They feel that the driving experience you gain on a moped is irrelevant to a car insurance policy. It does not reduce your chances of having an accident with the car. Therefore they do not count the claim-free years you build up with your moped when calculating the car premium.

What can I do with the claim-free years built up on the moped?

Although they are not important for car insurance, you may still use them in the future. For example if you want to insure a moped or scooter in your name again. Claim-free years do not remain valid indefinitely. After a certain number of years they expire. Please pay attention to this when you want to take out moped insurance again.

Can I still get cheap insurance as a novice driver?

Many insurers often charge young drivers a much higher premium. This is because of the high risk they pose. Research has shown that young drivers are proportionally much more likely to cause damage. This is why you often pay a higher premium for car insurance up to age 24. This does not necessarily mean that you have to pay a sky-high premium for your insurance every month. Not every insurer keeps the same rules and conditions. By comparing on Brommerverzekering.nl you can still get cheap car or moped insurance.

Calculate moped insurance premium online

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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